The Shaneyfelt Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and integral extension of The Shaneyfelt Family Ministry.
The primary purpose of the Shaneyfelt Foundation is for religious, charitable, and educational purposes.

It is organized to further the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the medium of gospel music, spoken word, various media platforms, and to help families in need, specifically those with young children.

The generous contributions made to the Shaneyfelt Foundation help us take gospel music and the Message of Salvation to churches and events in different venues and places, reaching for the souls of the lost, lonely and broken. In the spirit of following the commandment of Jesus to be ‘doers and not hearers only’, your support enables us to be a physical help by also providing needed essentials to those in need and other like-minded organizations.

Please prayerfully consider becoming a supporter of this ministry. Each donation made is gratefully received and carefully administered to the furtherance of God’s work. Your gifts and contributions are recorded and will be acknowledged in writing per IRS guidelines at year end for your tax records.